Turnkey housing construction
When project implementing based on EPCM contracts, UNEX is engaged in the construction of individual residential buildings, using the most advanced construction technologies, innovative designs and materials, bringing your project to life FROM IDEA TO COMFORT
The UNEX construction division has powerful production and technical capacities for the construction of residential buildings, highly qualified specialists, the necessary licenses and permits for work in the EU.
We use high-quality safe materials and structural elements, use energy-efficient heating equipment, smart home technologies and much more, which allows us to create comfortable modern housing in the shortest possible time.
1. Basic engineering
4. Equipment supply
2. Design
5. Commissioning
3. General contracting
6. Warranty and service support
We do more than just general contracting!
To secure financing, UNEX attracts resources from German and foreign banks. The objective of fund-raising is to create an investment-worthy environment for customers that purchase German products and services or those of foreign origin. We may also offer our customers additional benefits thanks to our long-standing cooperation with government ministries and agencies on both regional and federal levels.
UNEX bears overall responsibility for the coordination of activities between contractors at every stage of a project, from the business idea to commissioning, and guarantees that works are performed at proper quality levels and in strict compliance with the project schedule.
The essential function of UNEX is the alignment of activities of all investment project participants, tackling issues related to dependencies between contractors, and the control of performance.