
Biotechnologies for agriculture; Smart farming; Geo-information analysis

UNEX Group develops and implements biotechnology solutions for agriculture.

Our BIOTECH-division  became an occupant of the Hi-Tech Park to develop biotechnologies for the agroindustrial sector

UNEXBIOTECHNOLOGY-division develops and implements proprietary plant material processing technologies; in cooperation with the Partner develops production lines for the manufacturing of novel feed under a license from UNEX; it provides services of comprehensive feed resource analysis to agricultural enterprises and optimizes livestock forage mixes with the use of special-purpose software..

As part of its biotechnology development programs, the UNEX Group is actively implementing digitalization facilities throughout the range of agricultural enterprise operations: in the livestock business, it introduces farm operating process management programs, in crop farming, it uses smart farming techniques and applies intelligent machines for the spot-on treatment of specific farming plots.

Crop farming solutions offered by UNEX improve effectiveness due to high precision of control of agricultural machines and units, spot-on application of materials when spraying and spreading, precision irrigation, organization of drainage and plot planning, strict control of harvesting operations and yield as well as a wide array of correction services to ensure any requested positioning accuracy.

The Smart Farming System has the following features:

  • use of drones for data collection: aerial photography, 3D modeling, laser scanning, seeding defect detection, etc.;
  • space monitoring: accurately determining plot boundaries and work areas, area calculation, planning and control or agrotechnical activities, etc.;
  • weather monitoring;
  • agricultural vehicle monitoring;
  • integration of all the indicators, maps, vehicle route tracking data, forecasts and images into a common system; and
  • coordination of efforts of commercial and production departments of the agricultural enterprise.

The Smart Farming technology offers the following benefits:

  • economy of means of production;
  • economy of machinery and personnel work time;
  • full delivery of the crop yield potential;
  • improvement of product quality;
  • increased labor capacity;
  • growth of profits due to increased yield and lower costs.

Implementation of precision farming technology in whole or its individual stages is only possible after an in-depth analysis of land resources and digitalization of the results using special algorithms and software, that is, following geo-informational and agronomical analyses. 

UNEX geo-informational analysis services

  • Generating the land management cartographic framework based on the integration of land planning, soil, genetic, agrochemical and cadastral information.
  • Evaluation of the soil resource potential.
  • Development of a spatial model of agrochemical characteristics distribution with consideration of their changes and geochemical barriers.
  • Accurate determination of soil section boundaries and soil sampling for subsequent agrochemical analysis.
  • Agro-environmental assessment of managed land plots.
  • Geostatistical evaluation of spatial data and development of the map-based decision-making system for every process stage: crop selection, formulating the fertilizer and ameliorant system; determining the method of cultivation and establishing the crop protection system.
  • Differentiation of cultivated plots into micro-zones that would require different intensities of process operations (fertilizer and ameliorant dosages, number of machinery passages, etc.).

Agronomical analysis services

  1. Selection of released varieties and hybrids of crops in accordance with the National Variety Registry.
  2. Developing optimal crop rotation based on resource and production potential indicators.
  3. Estimation of particular dosages of mineral and organic fertilizers based on agrochemical conditions, preceding crops, biological peculiarities of the crops and the planned yield level.
  4. Development of process lists for each site and cultivated micro-zone of basic crops (taking into consideration seeding rates, soil cultivation and seeding periods, the fertilizer system and the integrated system of pest, weed and blight control).

Production support services, as part of the precision farming system, before, during and after the vegetation period (pre-scouting/scouting/post-scouting)

  1. Converting the necessary data into a format optimal for practical use: classification, sampling, reporting, etc.
  2. Consultation throughout the crop vegetation period to assist with hybrid selection, operational process parameters, pathogenic organisms and other crop cultivation risks.
  3. Post-harvest soil quality evaluation (washout of minor-nutrient elements, fertilizers, etc.).